Author: RSERPE

Christina Perri Jar of Hearts Guitar Tutorial

Learn how to play the song Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri with this free acoustic guitar tutorial. This is Christina’s debut single released on iTunes in 2007.  It is from her album Lovestrong.  Learn more about the song over at Wikipedia. This song is not really a beginner song, but it isn’t super difficult...

C Sharp Major Guitar Chord Lesson

Learn how to play the C# Major Guitar Chord with this free lesson. The C Sharp Major Guitar Chord (also known as Db Major) is found by locating the 1, 3 and 5 positions (C#, E# and G#) of the C# Scale: C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, and B#. So the notes of the...

New Strumming Patterns Lesson for Acoustic Guitar

Here is a new strumming pattern lesson for acoustic guitar.  It is taught by David Taub with Next Level Guitar. This is an 11 minute video excerpt from Next Level Guitar’s “Acoustic Guitar Technqiues” 4 DVD course that includes over 8 hours of instruction.  Highly recommended if you want to take your Guitar Playing to...

How to Get More Out of Simple Chord Progressions

Here is a lesson from Steve Krenz with Gibson’s Learn & Master Guitar.  It is a lesson from his monthly video Newsletter on how to get more out of simple chord progressions. He starts the lesson by taking a look at a very simple open chord progression of D Major, G Major and A Major....

How to Play Mean by Taylor Swift on Acoustic Guitar

Learn how to play the song Mean by Taylor Swift with this free acoustic guitar song lesson.  Mean is off of Taylor’s third studio album entitled Speak Now . It was released in May of 2011.  This song received good success in the US and Canada. It debuted at number 11 on the Billboard Hot...

Gm6 Guitar Chord Lesson

In this lesson we will be learning how to play the G Minor 6 guitar chord. The Gm6 Guitar Chord is found by locating the 1, b3, 5, 6 positions (G, Bb, D and E) of the G Major Scale: G, A, B, C, D, E, and F#. See the chord charts below for four...

Cm6 Guitar Chord Tutorial

Learn how to play the C Minor 6 (also known as Cm6) guitar chord with this free guitar lesson.  Below are three different ways to play this chord.  All three are advanced and rather challenging if you are just starting out.  They require advanced techniques like muting strings and barring.  Don’t get discouraged if you...

The Circle of Fifths – The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

The Circle of Fifths is not a new concept.  It was first seen in a treatise called Grammatika that was written by a composer by the name of Nikolai Diletskii back in 1679. Read the full article over at Wikipedia. The Circle of Fifths is essentially a tool used by musicians to help them understand...

Learn how to Play the Am6 Guitar Chord

Learn how to play the Am6 guitar chord (also known as A minor 6, A Minor 6th) with this lesson.   The A Minor 6  Chord  is found by locating the 1, b3, 5 and 6 steps of the  A Major Scale: A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G#, or the notes A, C, E and F#....

Easy Beginner Blues Guitar Chord Progression

Here is a cool little video lesson for all of you blues guitar lovers.  This is taught by one of my favorite guitar instructors, Marty Schwartz from GuitarJamz.  In this lesson, he explains how to play a cool blues guitar progression in the key of E using the chords: E7, A7 and B7 (If you...