Author: RSERPE

How to Enhance your Guitar Playing Using Dynamics

In this free acoustic guitar video lesson from the folks over at JamPlay, instructor Miche Fambro teaches how using dynamics can greatly enhance your guitar playing. Before you watch the video, its probably a good idea to better understand what dynamics are exactly.  In short, dynamics are how loud or soft you play, but as...

E Major – Advanced Guitar Chord Lesson

Learn how to play several advanced voicings of the E Major guitar chord with this free lesson.  Perhaps you arrived here by accident looking for the basic version of this chord?  Follow this link for the basic beginner E Major Guitar Chord. Whether you are interested in playing an advanced or beginner version of this...

Easy Acoustic Guitar Song – Blind Melon – Change

Learn How to Play “Change” by Blind Melon Learn how to play the song “Change” by Blind Melon with this easy acoustic guitar song lesson. To play along with this particular lesson you will need to know the following easy beginner chords and they are:  A Major, G Major and D Major.  You should have...

Em11 – Easy Beginner Guitar Chord

Learn how to play what is possibly the easiest chord on the guitar with this free lesson.  The Em11(also known as E Minor 11, Emin11) chord is found by locating the 1, b3, 5, b7, 9 and 11 (E, G, B, D, F# and A) positions of the E Major Scale : E, F#, G#, A,...

Build Speed & Strength with these 10 Chromatic Guitar Exercises

By far, one of the most popular and effective exercises for improving your guitar playing are chromatic guitar exercises. They will really help improve your guitar playing dramatically on so many different levels.  Chromatic exercises aren’t very exciting, but the time and energy you invest into practicing these exercises will pay off enormously in the...

Dm7b5 Guitar Chord Lesson

Learn how to play the Dm7b5 acoustic guitar chord with this free tutorial. This chord is found by locating the  1, b3, b5, b7 of the D Major Guitar Scale: D, E, F#, G, A, B, and C#, or the notes D, F, Ab and C.  The b3 symbol means that we take the third...

Stupid Boy by Keith Urban Guitar Lesson

Learn how to play the song “Stupid Boy “ by Keith Urban with this free country guitar lesson.  This song was written by Dave Berg, Deanna Bryant and sarah Buxton and recorded by Keith Urban.  It is the second single from his 2006 album Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing. Keith Urban won a...

Advanced Guitar Chord Lesson – Learn to Play F9

The F9 Guitar Chord (also known as F Dominant 9, F Dominant 9th, F Dominant Ninth) is often referred to as a Jazz chord. Just play it using the chord diagrams below and you will instantly see why . The F Dominant 9 Chord is found by locating the 1, 3, 5,b7 and 9 (F,...

U2 With or Without you Guitar Lesson

Here is a wonderful acoustic version of the smash hit song “With or Without You” by U2.  This song is the third song from the 1987 album “The Joshua Tree”.  It was released as a single in March of 1987.  This song was U2’s first number one hit in the US and Canada.  Just an...

Really Cool Guitar Technique Using a Dollar Bill!

Here is a very interesting video demonstration from the folks over at Next Level Guitar.  This is a really cool technique that I honestly never heard of or saw before.  Basically, you take a dollar bill and kind of weave through the strings near the sound hole of your acoustic.  Then, strum your acoustic as...