Author: RSERPE

B Flat Major Guitar Chord Lesson

Learn how to play the Bb Major Guitar Chord with this free tutorial. The B Flat Guitar Chord (also known as A# Major, A#Maj, BbMaj) is found by locating the 1, 3 and 5 positions (Bb, D and F) of the B Flat Major Guitar Scale: Bb C D Eb F G A Bb.   So...

Marry You by Bruno Mars Guitar Tutorial

Learn How To Play “Marry You” by Bruno Mars Learn how to play the song “Marry You” by Bruno Mars with this free guitar tutorial.   This song is from Bruno’s debut album “Doo-Wops & Hooligans”.  Learn more over at Wikipedia. Marty teaches two versions of this song on acoustic guitar, in the video lesson...

Advanced Guitar Chord Lesson – G Major

The G Major Guitar Chord is found by locating the 1, 3 and 5 positions (G, B and D) of the G Major Scale: G A B C D E F# G. Notes of the GMaj9 Guitar Chord: G, B and D Below are three different versions of this chord. All three of these versions...

Beginner Guitar Chord Exercises Using C Major and G7

Below is a video lesson from the popular home study course from Legacy Learning Systems called “Gibson’s Learn and Master Guitar”. In the following video lesson, Steve Krenz demonstrates how to play two basic beginner guitar chords : the C Major and G7 chords. Steve first demonstrates how to play each chord and then talks...

Advanced Guitar Chord Lesson – Learn to Play F#/Gb Major

Learn how to play the advanced F#/Gb Major chord (Also known as F#Maj) on guitar, with this free lesson. The F# Major Guitar Chord is found by locating the 1, 3 and 5. positions (F#, A# and C#) of the F# Major Scale: F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D#, and E# So the notes of the F# Major chord are:...

Adele Rolling in the Deep Guitar Lesson

Learn how to play the song “Rolling In the Deep” by Adele with this free guitar lesson. This song is off Adele’s second album 21. “Rolling in the Deep” was written by Adele and Paul Epworth. This song made it to number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 list. Its her second song to make...

Guide to Buying and Using a Thumb Pick

Below is an excellent video introduction guide that will teach you how to use a thumb pick for guitar. A thumb pick is a kind of finger pick that attaches to your thumb obviously and is most commonly used with bluegrass style guitar playing.  Most of the thumb picks you will find today are made...

Train Hey Soul Sister Guitar Tutorial

Learn how to play the song “Hey, Soul Sister “ by Train with this easy acoustic guitar lesson.  This song was written by Patrick Monahan, Amund Bjorklund, and Espen Lind.   It is off the bands fifth album, “Save Me, San Francisco”. This song made it to number three on the Bilboard Hot 100 charts...

How to Spice Up Those Beginner Chords

Here is a great beginner acoustic guitar lesson that will teach you how to spice up and add some more color to those beginner guitar chords that you have been working so hard to learn. The great thing about this lesson is that your fingers will not have to move much or travel very far....