Author: RSERPE

Learn a New Chord Progression for Acoustic Guitar

Here is a awesome new chord progression for you to learn today using  basic beginner guitar chords that you are probably already familiar with.  This is a beautiful progression and very reminiscent of classic rock.   If you are just starting out on acoustic guitar, then this particular chord progression may be new to you. ...

Learn How To Spice Up your Open Guitar Chords

Learn how to take the basic beginner guitar chords that you probably already know and add some new color to them with this free beginner guitar lesson. In the following lesson, David Taub from Next Level Guitar demonstrates how to change things up a bit and make your basic chords a bit more interesting and...

Amaj9 Guitar Chord Lesson

Learn how to play the Amaj9 guitar chord with this free lesson. The A Major 9 Guitar Chord (also known as A Major Ninth, AMaj9 and AMajor 9th), is found by locating the 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9  (A,  C#, E, G# and B) of the A Major Scale: A B C# D E F#...

A Major Guitar Chord Lesson

Learn how to play several advanced voicings or arrangements of the A Major Chord. If you are looking for beginner versions of this chord, click here to reach the beginner A Major Guitar Chord Lesson. The A Major Chord is made up of  the 1 , 3 and 5 positions of the A Major Scale:...

Easy and Faster Chord Changes for Acoustic Guitar

One of the more challenging hurdles that beginner guitarists face is chord changes.  Learning the actual chords is difficult enough, but changing between those chords you just learned can be even harder.  Not to worry…  The following video lesson from the folks over at Guitar Tricks has some great tips on changing between chords easier...

Guitar Tricks – Over 3000 Online Video Guitar Lessons!

Guitar Tricks – Online Video Guitar Lessons Guitar Tricks is one of the most popular sites for online video guitar lessons. What sets them apart from the rest is their curriculum of 1500 videos, that starts from the very beginning from “How Do I Hold a Pick?” to advanced courses that cover blues, rock and...

Neil Diamond Sweet Caroline Guitar Lesson

Learn how to play Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” with this free acoustic guitar lesson. This song was released in September of 1969 and was written and is performed by Neil Diamond. This song appears on the album: Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show. You can read more about this song over at Wikipedia. In order to...

Beginner Blues Slide Guitar Lesson

Slide Guitar (Also Know As Bottleneck Guitar) is a unique sounding style of guitar that is often associated with The Blues, but is also used in other Genres of music like Hawaiian, Jazz and Rock to name a few.  No one knows for sure who invented it, but when you mention slide guitar, you will...