Author: RSERPE

Guitar Chords In The Key Of D Major

So you would like to know what guitar chords are in the key of D Major?  This is an excellent area of study for guitarists especially those of you who would like to someday play with other musicians. Basic Chords in the Key of D Below are basic chords that you find in the Key...

Queen Crazy Little Thing Called Love Guitar Lesson

Learn how to play the song “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” by Queen with this free guitar lesson. Written by Freddie Mercury in 1979, this song peaked the charts at number two in the UK and number one in the USA. It is from the album “The Game” released in 1980. Read more about this...

Guitar Chords In The Key of C Major

So you would like to know what chords are in the key of C Major?  Learning about the keys of music  is a very important area of study for musicians, especially for those of you who may be interested in playing with other musicians.  It will come in very handy when you have the ability...

Am9 Guitar Chord Lesson for the Beginner

Learn how to play the Am9 guitar chord (also known as A minor 9, A Minor 9th) with this free beginner chord lesson. This lesson will cover a very simple way to play the A Minor 9 chord.  There are other ways to play this chord, but I wanted to introduce the easiest way so...

Jeff Buckley Hallelujah Guitar Lesson

Learn how to play the song “Hallelujah” by Jeff Buckley with this free guitar lesson.   This song was actually written by Leonard Cohen, but was made famous by Jeff Buckley.   Jeff’s version was recorded for his 1994 debut album “Grace” and has been called one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded.  Unfortunately, Jeff did...

Advanced Guitar Chord – Learn To Play Cmaj9

The C Major 9 Guitar Chord (also known as C Major 9th, CMaj9) is a beautiful, dreamy sounding chord. It is often used in Jazz Guitar. The C Major 9 Chord is found by locating the 1,  3 , 5, 7  and 9 positions (C, E, G, B and D) of the C Major Scale:...

Advanced Guitar Chord – Ab/G# Major

Learn how to play the Ab/G# Major Guitar Chord with this free guitar lesson. This chord is found by locating the 1, 3 and 5 (Ab, C, and Eb) of the Ab Major Guitar Scale: Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F and G. This is an advanced chord and rather challenging if you are just...

Creedence Clearwater Revival Bad Moon Rising Guitar Lesson

Learn how to play the easy acoustic guitar song “Bad Moon Rising” by Creedence Clearwater Revival with this easy guitar lesson. This song was released back in 1969 by CCR and was written by John Fogerty. It was a popular single from their album “Green River“. This song reached #2 on the Billbaord Hot 100...

Am11 Guitar Chord Tutorial

Learn how to play the Am11 guitar chord (also known as A minor 11, A Minor 11th) with this free beginner chord lesson. The A Minor 11 Chord  is found by locating the 1,  b3,  5,  b7,  9,  11 steps of the  A Major Scale: A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G# , or the notes...

15 Essential Spanish Guitar Lessons For Beginners

So you have an interest in learning how to play Spanish Guitar?  You are going to be very excited that you found this post then!  On this page are 16 Spanish Guitar Lessons that were carefully chosen for beginners.  Some of these video lessons will take some time for you to learn, but they are...