B Diminished Guitar Chord Lesson
Learn how to play the B Diminished Guitar Chord (also known as Bdim, B°, B Diminished Triad) with this free guitar chord tutorial.
The B Diminished Guitar Chord is found in the B Major Scale. You need to locate the 1, b3 and b5 positions of this scale. So, looking at the B Major Scale: B C# D# E F# G# A#, we come up with the notes B, D and F. The “b3” and “b5” are flattened notes. This means that we find the 3rd and 5th positions of the B Major Scale and flatten them by 1/2 step giving us the D and F.
Below are 4 different ways to play this chord along the guitar fretboard.
Here is a key that will help you read the chart:

Chord Playing Tips: If any of your strings are buzzing or if they sound muted, you need to make some adjustments. With a buzzing sound, it may mean that you are not pressing down on the strings hard enough. A muting sound is probably due to one of your fingers touching another string .