Basic Beginner Guitar Chord – Learn How To Play E6
Learn how to play the E6 (also known as E Major Sixth, EMaj6, E Major 6th) chord, with this free guitar lesson. The E6 Chord is found in the E Major Scale: E F# G# A B C# D# E. It is made up of the 1 , 3, 5 and 6 of this scale. Meaning the notes E, G#, B and C#.
E6 Chord notes: E G# B C#
Make sure to scroll down for a Guitar Chord Chart on the E Major 6 chord.
Here is a key that will help you read the chart:
Everything on the above chart should be self explanatory, except for the last three in the third column. They may need a bit of explaining. The O, or open symbol, simply means that you do not press down on any notes on that string. The X means you do not strum that particular string. The Barre symbol means you need to barre that particular fret. When you barre a fret you are pressing down on multiple strings at the same time with one finger.
Chord Playing Tips
Be certain that you are pressing down on the strings firmly enough. Play each string one at a time to be sure that you are producing a clean sound. If any of the strings buzz or sound muted, then something is not right.