Beginners Guide to Mastering Barre Chords

Image via Wikipedia
One of the most difficult parts of learning how to play guitar are those dreaded barre chords! They are such a huge stumbling block for beginners. You’ve got all your easy basic chords down, you are playing lots of cool songs, and then Bam! Someone decides to teach a song that has an F Major, or B Major Barre Chord. You lower your head, discouraged and give up…
Well those days are over. Today you are going to finally learn how to play Barre Chords! No more avoiding it. If you want to be a good, well rounded guitar player, then you have to learn how to play barre chords. I know it seems impossible.
Remember when you were learning your beginner chords? They seemed impossible at one time too. But now you can probably play them with your eyes closed. Well the same holds true with barre chords. Eventually they will seem like second nature. It just requires time and practice.
I have included a ton of excellent resources below that will arm you with everything you need for learning how to play barre chords like a pro. No need to go anywhere else. Its all right here. So sit back, grab your guitar, and let’s learn those barre chords!
Video Lessons
Articles From Around the Web
How To Play Barre Chords
Barre chords defined
Barre Chords for Beginners and Beyond
Beginners Guide To Barre Chords
Barre Chords – A Dangerous Beginner’s Mistake to Avoid
Easy Bar (Barre) Chords: Making Bar Chords Easy
Guitar Barre Chords and Movable Chord Shapes
Learn Barre Chords by Playing Songs
How to Play Barre Chords on the Guitar
Barre Chord Basics | How to Play Barre Chord
How to play Bar Chords
Learning How To Play Bar Chords on Guitar
Guitar Bar Chords
How to Master the Barre Chord on the Guitar (tips, tricks, methods, etc.)
Bar Chords and Associated Exercises