Category: Rhythm Guitar

Beginner Guitar Lesson – Minor 7th Chord Progressions

In the following video lesson, David Taub from Next Level Guitar demonstrates how to play 3 beautiful Minor 7 th chords:  A Minor 7, E Minor 7 and  D Minor 7.   He will then demonstrate how you can put these chords into practice by teaching you  5 cool chord progressions. Tip: Slow Down!  Make...

Learn a New Chord Progression for Acoustic Guitar

Here is a awesome new chord progression for you to learn today using  basic beginner guitar chords that you are probably already familiar with.  This is a beautiful progression and very reminiscent of classic rock.   If you are just starting out on acoustic guitar, then this particular chord progression may be new to you. ...

Learn How To Spice Up your Open Guitar Chords

Learn how to take the basic beginner guitar chords that you probably already know and add some new color to them with this free beginner guitar lesson. In the following lesson, David Taub from Next Level Guitar demonstrates how to change things up a bit and make your basic chords a bit more interesting and...

7 Strumming Patterns & Techniques for Acoustic Guitar

The exercises in the videos below are going to take your playing to the next level.  It is fitting therefore, that the videos below are from the folks over at NextLevelGuitar.Com.   These folks produce excellent training videos for guitarists that are very educational, entertaining and easy to follow.  After watching the videos below, click the...

Acoustic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar Lessons

Great video from Peter Vogl of   In this video, Peter demonstrates some popular Bluegrass Guitar Strumming Patterns, which are excellent building blocks for learning more complicated patterns. How to play Acoustic Bluegrass Guitar – Standard Bluegrass Progression Here is another great lesson from the folks over at Next Level Guitar.  In this video, Marty...