F Sharp 7 Guitar Chord Lesson
Learn how to play the F#7 Guitar Chord with this free lesson. To construct this chord, we need to take a look at the F# Scale: F#, G#, A#, B, C#, D#, and E#. We are going to need 4 notes from this scale. To find these notes, we apply the formula: 1,3,5 and b7. This means that we take the 1st, 3rd, 5th and flattened 7th positions of the F# Scale, or the notes: F#, A#, C# and E.
The are 5 variations of the F Sharp 7 guitar chord below. These are all intermediate to advanced chord shapes. Follow this link for an easy version of the F#7 Guitar Chord.
So the notes of the F#7 Chord again are: F#, A#, C# and E.
Here is a key that will help you read the chart:

Everything on the above chart should be self explanatory, except for the last three in the third column. They may need a bit of explaining. The O, or open symbol, simply means that you do not press down on any notes on that string. The X means you do not strum that particular string. The Barre symbol means you need to barre that particular fret. When you barre a fret you are pressing down on multiple strings at the same time with one finger.
Chord Playing Tip: Be sure that you are pressing down on the string hard enough. You should play each string one at a time to make sure you have a nice clean sound. If any of the strings buzz or sound muted, then something is not right.
F7 Barre Chord Video Demonstration
The video below will demonstrate how to play the F#7 barre chord on the 2nd Fret.